Want to see your photo on Google search results? Use Author Tags.

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I recently stumbled across the Google Webmasters Author page (as you do?). I’m sure the rest of the Webmasters pages are equally interesting, but this really got me thinking. I’ve been posting on various blogs and random pages for a while, but how many of those have had author tags? Probably none.

What does it do? Check out the search result below. That’s a product of the author tag. For a small tag, it has a pretty big effect on the search results!

Google Web Search result snippet showing authorship information

So using the Yoast SEO plugin, I’ve amended all my rss footers to include a “By (Author Name)” line, with the relevant back link to my Google+ account. It’s a little bit of extra work, but worth while if it helps google find more of my content. The code looks a like this:

By <a href=”http://www.kameelvohra.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/posts?rel=author” >Kameel Vohra</a&gt